About Basement Buddies

Basement Buddies Waterproofing has more than 25 years of experience in the industry.

For the convenience of our customers, we also provide emergency services, so you can contact us at any time for service. We’ll are standing by and ready to assist you

Local Contractor

Basement Buddies Waterproofing is a local waterproofing contractor.



Years of Experience
Basement Buddies Waterproofing
Basement Buddies Waterproofing 1

Frustrating challenges

There aren’t many challenges more frustrating for a homeowner to contend with than a flooded, wet basement or crawlspace . The water doesn’t only make it hard to utilize the basement as a living space, it also can damage items and electronics stored there, too.

There’s no debating that water intrusion in a basement can be a major problem for any homeowner. It’s an issue that calls for immediate attention and prompt action. Besides the destruction that water can do the contents of your basement, flooding cause also result in damage to the walls and your foundation. Our effective basement/crawlspace waterproofing will protect you against this serious problem. Even If your basement or crawlspace has never shown any signs of flooding, it doesn’t necessarily mean you couldn’t benefit from waterproofing.

Some of the signs that you have an issue with water getting into your basement/crawlspace include:

Call Basement Buddies as soon as possible if you’re seeing any of these indications.

We serve customers in DuPage County and surrounding areas. For a free, no obligation quote on our quality services, reach us 24/7 at 630-699-3869. If you choose to hire us, the payment types we accept include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, check, or cash.

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